It's finally Spring - I hesitate to say it too loud - afraid I will scare it off - but yes - I do believe it may be here to stay. Ok - so the fun begins - well - at least for ME.
Last year was AWFUL - I couldn't do anything in the yard - no planting - no cleaning - no raking - no NOTHING!! I did have wonderful friends who came over and planted things FOR me - Mom and Daddy came and raked and cleaned our flower beds while I just SAT THERE watching - WISHING I could do something. The one thing that I was able to do some last year was water plants - which is good I guess because as we all know they don't do so good without water.
Now - this year I have already been hard at it - just finished cleaning out the Hosta garden - nothing really happened with it last year so it was pretty bad - now just need to put down the pine straw - something that is VERY plentiful in Mississippi.
Tuesday I'm going shopping for plants and get busy putting them in pots for the porches. We don't do alot of flower beds here - living on the lake and in the country it is really acceptible to just throw the plants out there and enjoy wherever they come up. Container gardening is a biggie with me - trying new combinations - colors - etc is always fun. Going to a nursery is like going to the toy store for me.
So - just wanted to let you all know that Spring has sprung at the lake - azaleas are blooming - dogwoods are gorgeous and the redbuds this year were the prettiest I've ever seen. Come see it!!