During all the cancer stuff I pretty much was down all the time - by down I mean - couldn't do anything - WANTED to do stuff - just wasn't able. Had to get my head wrapped around that and tell myself that it was ok to just sit and let my body heal - that this was my job now. Forget the shop - forget all my Ebay that was piled up in the garage - just focus on getting well. I did that - I think. It's just that lately things were getting frantic again and honestly - I don't want to live that way again.
Now don't misunderstand - don't plan to sit around all day and eat bon bons and anybody that knows me knows that I need to be busy. BUT - there's a difference in busy and in frantic. How many of you understand that? Everyone needs quiet time and I think that is something that is lacking in alot of peoples lives. It doesn't matter how you want to spend your quiet time - it could be reading the bible - praying - reading a good book - watching a movie - piddlin in the garden - watching the birds - cooking a new recipe - whatever it is that you do that calms you - everybody needs it.
This past week it snowed here and the temps stayed in the teens and lower 20's for almost 2 weeks. Consequently I couldn't open the shop because the temps were too low - no way to heat up that shop during those kinds of temps. At first it was driving me insane - not being at the shop - thinking of the business that I was probably missing and that DRIVE I have to contribute. Finally it hit me - this is Gods way of saying - slow down - you're moving too fast - take some time - soooooooo - I did!! I watched movies - picked some new recipes and cooked - read a book and listed on ebay. Now I don't consider listing on ebay "work" - it is time consuming - yes - but for me it's just plain fun. And you know what? Shouldn't have worried about business at the shop because almost all the items I listed during the week I wasn't there - SOLD on ebay soooooooo hum - quiet time was indeed productive.
In one week MIke and I are leaving for St Lucia for 12 days - I hear ya - you're saying - WELL - you're going to have quiet time THEN - yes - that's true - but Mike has not had quiet time and it will be his time to rest and refuel and for that I am very very thankful.